Ein Fulbright Alumni besuchte am 20.03.2024 die 8. Klassen und erzählt von seiner Heimat, der USA.

Today, an English native speaker from the US visited our class. Firstly, he introduced himself. He was born in New York and grew up in Santiago. Additionally, he attended Georgetown University in Washington DC. This is an elite university that is really expensive. He came to Berlin as part of a program that sends people around the world. Moreover he learned German in Highschool and wanted to practice the language.

Then Rafi told us a lot about the life in the US, especially about school, sports, healthcare and politics. During the class we questioned him and he answered. We compared Germany with the US and came to the conclusion, that Germany is safer than the US, the education is cheaper in Germany and the countries have also a different rating system.

Visits like this are very helpful, because you can practice the language, hear the right pronunciation from a native speaker and also learn more about another country. We are grateful that Rafi visited us and look forward to his next visit.

Pauline und Leamis aus der 8.5.